Install Hubot as IRC channel bot
Recently GitHub has released sources about two "internal" projects: hubot and janky. So it's time to start using them (or just testing them to imagine a future usage).
After some tests and research I find a proper way to install hubot and use it as IRC bot, but I decide to report the complete procedure here because all the guides I found on the net was outdated or not complete (missing always some important step). The best one the guide me on the right way is the one you can find here, but I report the instructions also on this blog post.
First of all you need to install hubot dependencies on your "build" machine (for me a Fedora 16).
Node.js The fast way to install node (or at least my preferred way to install stuffs) on your Fedora is the one described on this page
sudo yum localinstall --nogpgcheck
sudo yum install nodejs
and then the npm (node package manager)
sudo yum install npm
Has reported on this Hubot ticket could you have a problem installing npm that does not install the required coffe script. To do this, as reported, you should run:
npm install -g coffee-script
Thanks to Hardy for this fix!
To make a first faster test on node.js apps the Heroku service is the best one. You can install on your machine the heroku command that hep you to interact with your account (naturally you need to create an account on heroku, free for a basic service like hubot).
gem install heroku
To accomplished this step you the required dependencies are: ruby and ruby gem (on fedora 16 packages are rubygems-1.8.10-1.fc16.noarch and ruby-
Now you are ready to start working on Hubot. Knowing we are real geeks we will work with the master version (directly from github latest sources :))
git clone git://
cd hubot
npm install
bin/hubot --create ../kermitbot
With these commands you will download sources (git package is required on your machine), install all node required packages (defined in package.json file) and, with the first line, you will say that you want to create a hubot clone to put in ../kermitbot directory.
By now all things should be done in your "kermitbot" directory (we will work directly on our personalized hubot).
Install IRC dependency
The best way to test a bot (without creating other chat accounts or buying anything strange) is using an irc channel: easy to create, completely free, so... way not? :)
To do this, the next step is to add to our bot a dependency to node irc module.
vi package.json
#in the dependencies area of this file your should have
"dependencies": {
"hubot": "2.0.7",
"hubot-scripts": "2.0.2",
"optparse": "1.0.3",
"hubot-irc": "0.0.6"
The important line (the one you should add to your package file) is the hubot-irc with the version you want to use.
Now all should be ready for a first commit on heroku and the first test
git init .
git add .
git commit -m "My Hubot initial commit"
Then create a repository on your heroku account with
heroku create kermitbot --stack cedar
And push your bot to heroku
git push heroku master
master should be used for the first commit (to create the master branch on your git repository) and then you can push without specifying it.
After the commit you should see in your console the heroku log saying that your nodejs app is being configured and all necessary dependencies will be installed.
Configuring your Hubot
Now, always using heroku command to interact with your account, you can specify some variables that are required to configure your bot. In this case the variables are for irc modules saying the irc server and channel and your bot username:
heroku config:add HUBOT_IRC_NICK="kermitbot"
heroku config:add HUBOT_IRC_ROOMS="#kermit-webui"
heroku config:add HUBOT_IRC_SERVER=""
You app should be automatically started, but in case you can run a command to start it
heroku ps:scale app=1
You can check status for your app looking to the process or reading the app log
heroku logs
heroku ps
If all works well, accessing to your channel (#kermit-webui in this example) you should see your bot connected to your account.
NB if you select a really generic name for your bot (like hubot), maybe you see something different connected to your channel, like hubot7, this because username on irc server must be unique, so it will change the hubot name until it can find a free one.
Configure startup option
To startup your hubot with the irc module enable you have to modify Procfile file putting replacing the app line with:
app: bin/hubot -a irc
After this mod you should push it to heroku to make it available
Testing your Hubot
Now you have installed your bot you can start interacting with it (if you follow this example without adding other modules you will have just some basic operation). To do this, in your channel you can write:
hubot help
tweet - Returns a link to a tweet about
is a badass guitarist - assign a role to a user
is not a badass guitarist - remove a role from a user
animate me - The same thing as `image me`, except adds a few
convert me to - Convert expression to given units.
help - Displays all of the help commands that Hubot knows about.
help - Displays all help commands that match .
image me - The Original. Queries Google Images for and
map me - Returns a map view of the area returned by `query`.
math me - Calculate the given expression.
mustache me - Searches Google Images for the specified query and
mustache me - Adds a mustache to the specified URL.
pug bomb N - get N pugs
pug me - Receive a pug
ship it - Display a motivation squirrel
show storage - Display the contents that are persisted in redis
That will produce an help list with any available command. To execute command you can write (in main chat or with a direct message): hubot command parameters so, for example to show you a place on a google map you can make a query like
hubot map me redhat headquarter
That will show you the map url.
Easy, isn't it? :D
Just to point out a possible problem, if you have modules that required redis (key, value store) you should have a pay account on heroku and so you will have an error accessing redis in your log. To use it with basic modules and on irc you can ignore this error.
Change hubot name
Your hubot answer just when you call it by name, and by default the name is naturally hubot. You can change this name modifying Procfile with this info:
app: bin/hubot -a irc --name kermitbot --enable-slash
(@Deprecated: The --enable-slash property allow you to talk to your bot just using a / and not with the full name.)
As reported on the Hubot trac, the --enable-slash is deprecated in the latest version of hubot, you should replace it by --alias
app: bin/hubot -a irc --name kermitbot --alias '/'
/mustache me kermit webui